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Even with such progress, 5.2 million children died in 2019 before reaching their fifth birthday, with almost half of those deaths, 2.4 million, occurring in the first month of life. The global neonatal mortality rate fell from 30 deaths to 17 per 1,000 live births in the same period. The world has made substantial progress towards the goal of ending preventable child deaths, with the global under-5 mortality rate decreasing from 76 to 38 deaths per 1,000 live births between 20. The COVID-19 pandemic may reverse gains in skilled childbirth care coverage and disrupt maternity health services.

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Reproductive, maternal and child healthĪccording to data from the period 2014–2020, 83 per cent of births worldwide were assisted by skilled health professionals, including medical doctors, nurses and midwives, an increase from 71 per cent in the period from 2007 to 2013. Among the health services most extensively affected are those for mental, neurological and substance use disorders neglected tropical diseases tuberculosis HIV and hepatitis B and C cancer screening services for other non-communicable diseases, including hypertension and diabetes family planning and contraception urgent dental care malnutrition immunization and malaria. According to a recent survey, substantial disruptions persist more than a year into the pandemic, with about 90 per cent of countries and territories still reporting one or more disruptions to essential health services.

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The disruption caused by the pandemic has now halted progress and even reversed some gains made.

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Before the COVID-19 pandemic, progress had been made in many health areas, including improving the health of mothers and children, increasing immunization coverage and reducing the incidence of communicable diseases, albeit not fast enough to meet the Goal 3 targets by 2030.

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